The people behind a new British sex comedy have been forced to change its name on publicity material. The film is called Dogging: A Love Story but information on press screenings is arriving in inboxes as “DG: A Love Story” – because so many company email filters have been baulking at the word “dogging”.

“Computers seem to think it’s a rude word and loads of our emails just kept bouncing back,” a film company source told me forlornly. “The film ‘s name hasn’t changed, though, and we’re allowed to use it on outdoor advertising, even on posters on the Underground.”

Dogging : A Love Story

Directed by Simon Ellis, it centres on a journalist (played by Luke Treadaway) who investigates goings-on in the car parks of north-east England, and is billed as a “comic take on sex, danger, jealousy and 21st-century romance in the great dark outdoors.”

Should prompt a lot more people to sign up to and give it a try.